Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Well, these aren't my favorite things in the world to do but I thought I would humor my friend.

3 joys
Hugs and kisses from my boys/family

3 fears
One of my boys getting really sick or hurt or anyone that I am close to dying
I can't think of anything else worse than that.

3 goals
Go back to school one day
Get in better shape
Turn off the TV more. I am addicted, I don't know why

3 obsessions
and of course CHOCOLATE!!

3 random facts
I deal with headaches on a regular basis, I guess my kids stress me out or something. I don't know.
I don't play the piano as much as I would like to or should. Every time I sit down to play at least one of my boys is playing along with me.
I wish I had a maid to clean my house for me, who wouldn't!

I now tag Heidi, Tara, and Natalie. Sorry!!

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